Why CSR does not work for marketing

Many companies consider their corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs as a powerful means of enhancing their corporate image. A few of them even ask their PR or advertising agencies to recommend ideas for CSR activities or projects that can be, well, marketed well. However, this approach inevitably skews the choice of potential CSR projects to a handful […]

Dealing with extreme attitudes

The ability to change people’s attitudes towards an idea or an object – say a product category or a brand – is a highly sought-after marketing skill. Attitudes can often be good predictors of behavior and any marketing campaign that succeeds in changing attitudes of any given segment, favourably, is by definition helping expand the […]

Why campaigns fail

A large number of advertising or communications campaigns fail to achieve the desired results. Many of us are familiar with how a typical scenario plays out. After two quarters have elapsed in running a promising new campaign, it is realized that the sales did not grow as expected. The market share stayed constant or worse, […]

Evoc on communications

As social entities, organizations have an intrinsic need for effective communications. One of the best-known definitions of marketing places communications as the key link between the creation of value by a business on one end, and the delivery of this value to customers on the other. Customers are but one of the multiple stakeholders of […]

Introducing Evoc

The sweeping and ongoing changes in the way people gather, process and internalize information have escaped only a few. The emergence of diverse demographic groups in a country like India is equally astounding. The average urban individual, once determined and armed with an Internet-connected device, can find and decode within hours almost everything she wishes […]